


2019 Year in Review

In December of 2018, I wrote a post about my goals for 2019. I’d like to reflect on those goals and take a look at what I actually accomplished in 2019. My goals for 2020 …

Ned Bellavance 12 min read

Ned in the Cloud LLC - Three Month Update

Three months ago I decided to leave the world of VAR consulting and try my hand at a new venture. That new venture is Ned in the Cloud LLC. I wrote a long post about the events …

Ned Bellavance 13 min read

Privilege and perspective

Let me say this upfront. I am going to talk about privilege. I am not an expert on privilege. I am not a poly-sci major with dual minors in social justice and psychology. These are …

Ned Bellavance 8 min read

Microsoft Windows is dead, long live Lite OS

On last week’s Buffer Overflow we were talking about this very strange blog post from Microsoft about a “Modern OS” and what it should include. It’s obvious …

Ned Bellavance 8 min read

Time for a new adventure

This post is about my recent decision to leave my current employer for a new opportunity to launch Ned in the Cloud LLC. I want to be very clear up front that I hold no ill will …

Ned Bellavance 10 min read

Goals for 2019

I don’t believe in making New Year’s Resolutions. Or at least, I don’t believe in making the type of New Year’s Resolutions that you might typically think …

Ned Bellavance 14 min read

2018 Year in Review

This was a busy year for me personally and professionally. I started the beginning of 2018 feeling a little unsure about what was going to happen. There were a lot of changes …

Ned Bellavance 8 min read

My Life as a Tech Impostor

Before I even knew there was a term, I thought I was an impostor. Not in tech mind you, but in life. I was 11 years old. Over the summer I had visited my first Head Shop, ushered …

Ned Bellavance 6 min read

Tortoise and Hare, "Software will devour us all!"

Is Technology Moving Too Fast? Yes. Will It Slow Down? No. As the spectre and meltdown drama continues to play itself out in the increasingly disdainful and disinterested public …

Ned Bellavance 4 min read