
Tech tutorials


Azure Advent Calendar 2019 - AKS and Pod Identity

The Azure Advent Calendar is a fantastic idea from Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper. Everyday, starting on December 1st and going until Christmas, they are posting three new Azure …

Ned Bellavance 2 min read

Ned in the Cloud LLC - Six Month Check-in

Six Month Check-In: Cruisin' In May of 2018, I decided to start my own company (Ned in the Cloud LLC), quit my lucrative consulting job, and hang my own shingle for content …

Ned Bellavance 8 min read

Microsoft Ignite 2019 - The Great Marketing Shift

The Ennui of Success In 2018, I attended Microsoft Ignite and one of the things I noticed during the keynote was how stale everything seemed. Satya appeared to not only be lacking …

Ned Bellavance 3 min read

Using Ultra SSD Storage with Azure Kubernetes Service

In a previous post, I performed a storage performance benchmark of Azure Managed Disks and Azure Files for Azure Kubernetes Service. The testing included the now generally …

Ned Bellavance 9 min read

Azure NetApp Files Performance with Azure Kubernetes Service

In April of 2018, I was delegate for Cloud Field Day 3. One of the presenters was NetApp, and they showed off a few different services they had under development in the cloud …

Ned Bellavance 9 min read

Demystifying Azure AD Service Principals

Anyone who’s worked with Azure for a bit has encountered the need to create a service principal. If you are an IT Ops person, you probably equate an SP with a service account …

Ned Bellavance 10 min read

Scaling the Kubernetes Cluster in Azure Stack

This is a follow-up to my post about the Kubernetes Cluster running on Azure Stack. In that post, I asked myself how to scale a deployed cluster and how to update the cluster. …

Ned Bellavance 3 min read

Using Azure Speech Service with PowerShell

The 100th episode of Buffer Overflow - a weekly tech news podcast I host - is steadily approaching. As I write this, we are getting ready to record episode 98. In preparation for …

Ned Bellavance 5 min read

Azure Stack Kubernetes Cluster is NOT AKS

If you’ve been test driving Azure Stack with a full stamp or just the ASDK, you may have decided to try out the Kubernetes Cluster template that is available in the …

Ned Bellavance 7 min read