
Tech tutorials


Choosing Between Count and For-Each

Terraform has two looping mechanisms for creating multiple resources, count and for_each. The count meta-argument has been around for a long time, but for_each is a relative …

Ned Bellavance 9 min read

Replacing the template_cloudinit_config data source

I was working on updating some Terraform code as part of a consulting engagement and I came across an EC2 configuration that was using the template_cloudinit_config data source to …

Ned Bellavance 8 min read

Using the Terraform Cloud Configuration Block

Terraform 1.1 brings with it some new cool Terraform Cloud management options. Cloud blocks, Tags, and Workspace commands Oh MY! But wait. What was broken about the old system? And …

Ned Bellavance 8 min read

Terraform Apply? When External Change Happens.

In an ideal world, all changes to your infrastructure would be managed through Terraform. In reality, that doesn’t always happen. Which can leave you in a bit of a conundrum …

Ned Bellavance 13 min read

Using the Moved Block in Terraform 1.1

The release of Terraform 1.1 has brought with it a new configuration block type called moved. This is a super-cool new block that helps with when you want to refactor your …

Ned Bellavance 11 min read

GitHub Actions with Terraform

Recently, I was a guest on the Azure DevOps Lab YouTube channel, talking about using GitHub Actions with Terraform to deploy infrastructure on Azure. April Edwards was a gracious …

Ned Bellavance 11 min read

What I Learned Building an Azure DevOps Pipeline with Terratest

I am in the process of creating a series of liveProjects for Manning Publishing, one of which involves deploying and managing an Azure Kubernetes Cluster using Terraform and Azure …

Ned Bellavance 10 min read

HashiCorp Boundary Dev Error on Windows

This is going to be a quick one. You’ve probably already heard about HashiCorp’s new Boundary project announced at HashiConf. If not, you can check out my YouTube video …

Ned Bellavance 1 min read

Use HashiCorp Vault AWS engine with multiple accounts

I received a question recently on how to properly configure the AWS secrets engine on HashiCorp Vault to work with multiple AWS accounts. It took me a bit, but I did figure out how …

Ned Bellavance 9 min read